(Femme-Bot Friday #74)
of course I was going to buy this. It's Femme-Bot Friday's raison d'ĂȘtre, innit?
Big Firebird Toy seem to have been
around for quite some time, but only recently decided to join the
TransFormers Third Party community,
thrusting themselves into fans' awareness with a unique take on Arcee which set tongues wagging and tempers flaring from the earliest concept images. To call it 'divisive' or 'controversial' would be an
understatement, considering the backlash some fans faced for
daring to point out that its design was... shall we say...
a little racy? This is, of course,
nothing new... but while most
G1-style Arcee toys are,
to a greater or lesser degree, criticised for being action figures hiding inside vehicle shells which inevitably just
fold up onto the robot's back, this one doesn't even
try to conceal the fact. Quite the reverse - it practically
celebrates taking the easy route, confident enough that the allure of Nicee's robot mode and its ability to adopt all manner of sexy poses will make up for
any perceived shortfall in her vehicle mode
or the complexity of her engineering.
All of which to say that it's difficult to talk about this model without, to an extent, taking a side in an ongoing discussion which has seen at least one 'fan' forum ban photographic images of said model... And, me being a self-styled Femme-Bot Fanatic, you can be pretty certain before we start that I'm broadly in favour of it. All that remains is the details and caveats.
The only other thing to note is that I considered -
for quite some time - posting a write-up of this figure on
my other (somewhat neglected) toy blog, treating it as something
apart from the TransFormers brand... however, in the end, I decided that would be
disingenuous... Instead, I'm going to ask my girlfriend to write
her own post about Nicee. Never let it be said that I'm not open to cynical, gimmicky posts.