Saturday 21 December 2019

A short break...

It's been over a month since my last post, and the time has flown by. I had been working on the write-up of another couple of toys - including a Femme-Bot Friday - but have been struggling with a lack of enthusiasm. One of the toys is (currently) pretty much the largest single figure in my collection, but it's kind of dull, while another - a Masterpiece Movie figure - is still sitting on my desk in vehicle mode pending photography... And the problem there is that the daylight at this time of year really isn't up to (or around long enough for) decent photography, and my electrical lighting situation is, frankly, sub-par.

Plus, given that the next chapter of Hasbro's umpteenth G1 reboot hasn't sparked much joy, and I have neither the space nor the finances to keep buying new toys right now, I'm going to take the opportunity to have a bit of a break from this blog. It's not the first time I've felt the need for a break, and 2019 has hardly been my least productive year in terms of TransFormers blogging (though it seems unlikely I'll be reaching the lofty heights of 2015's 114 posts - or even last year's 90 posts - anytime soon), so I'm satisfied that I've done my bit for this year.

There may not even be a 2019 retrospective post for New Year's Eve/Day, like those I've done since 2015. I don't feel there's a great deal worth summing up that I haven't already summed up to a degree in other posts. Additionally, I'm spending Christmas with my family, then heading off with Courtney to spend a few days with her family before New Year's Eve, so I won't have much time for blogging from here on. Then, to be honest, the most remarkable thing I can say about the year is that a particular problem with my home seems, finally, to have been fixed...

...Actually, now I think of it, perhaps there is a bit more to be said...

Let's see if I find the time after all.

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