This event opened with a countdown in front of a TransFormers The (animated) Movie poster highlighting this as the 35th Anniversary of the animated movie. Funny thing - and I've thought this occasionally while watching Chris McFeely's 'Basics' videos on YouTube - is that they referred to it as The TransFormers The Movie throughout... I've always subconsciously dropped the 'The' at the start, even though it was part of the G1 branding: the toyline was called 'The TransFormers' not 'TransFormers'... But I digress...
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Query Datafile:
Saturday, 22 May 2021
Hasbro Pulse Fan First Friday - May 2021 - New Reveals & Opinions
This event opened with a countdown in front of a TransFormers The (animated) Movie poster highlighting this as the 35th Anniversary of the animated movie. Funny thing - and I've thought this occasionally while watching Chris McFeely's 'Basics' videos on YouTube - is that they referred to it as The TransFormers The Movie throughout... I've always subconsciously dropped the 'The' at the start, even though it was part of the G1 branding: the toyline was called 'The TransFormers' not 'TransFormers'... But I digress...
Alternate Forms:

Friday, 21 May 2021
Wonder Festival 2007 Binaltech BT17 Black Convoy
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Monday, 17 May 2021
Studio Series #72 Starscream
Alternate Forms:
Saturday, 15 May 2021
Blogger 'Fun'
Alternate Forms:
Friday, 14 May 2021
Mr Bucket MR-02 Upgrade Set for UT R-01 Peru Kill
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Tuesday, 11 May 2021
JH-01 Rescue Pioneer (KO Masterpiece Movie MPM-11 Ratchet)
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Thursday, 6 May 2021
TransFormers Collectors' Club BotCon 2008 (Timelines) Shattered Glass Megatron & Divebomb
Alternate Forms:
Saturday, 1 May 2021
So, I did a thing...
I've mentioned before that Thew Adams is one of the few TransFormers YouTubers I can bear to watch, because of his (normally) quickfire reviews, canny avoidance of the frequently painful step-by-step demonstration of transformation and, perhaps most important, the plethora of puns and percipient portmanteaus that are as much his stock-in-trade as his enthusiasm for shape-shifting plastic robot toys. During one of his recent videos, he mentioned that his G1 Outback was knackered... and, since my iGear Mini Warriors Bushwhacker had been up on eBay for a while, I figured I could do worse than cancelling the listing and 'donating' it to Thew.
So imagine my delight, when tuning in to his latest "Dammit, Open!", I see that very figure unboxed on-screen - the very first item in the video.
And imagine my surprise when he actually seems to like it...
Seriously, though, I'm glad Bushwhacker has found an appreciative home... Though, honestly, seeing it smashed on a Knockoff Beatdown would, I think, be quite cathartic. I almost wish I'd sent him my decaptitated Leonidas now.